Nov 2023
Under this year’s theme of ‘#PowerUp’, the programme actively encouraged our business customers to move towards low-carbon transformation by leveraging innovative technologies and carbon reduction strategies for improved competitiveness, operational efficiency and business opportunities.
CLP Supports Far East Consortium to Secure First Sustainability-Linked Loan
A five-year sustainability-linked loan with support from CLP will help fund Far East Consortium’s sustainable initiatives throughout their hotel business, improving their energy conservation and carbon emissions reduction.

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‘All-Electric Professional Cooking Competition’ Promotes Low-Carbon Cooking
The first-ever competition, held at the International Culinary Institute, aimed to drive sustainable development within the culinary industry while promoting the benefits of an ‘all electric kitchen’ through the cooking of both Chinese and Western cuisine.

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FHKI x CLP ESG Seminar: Sustainability Trends
CLP and more speakers will present the sustainability services and insights on ESG-related business opportunities and useful solutions.

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A Range of Mobile and ePayment Services for Improved Bill Payment Experience
CLP provides a variety of Mobile and ePayment services which allow customers to settle their bills quicker and more secured.

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