Founded in 1901, we provide electricity to more than 80% of Hong Kong’s population.
About us
CLP Power Hong Kong Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CLP Holdings Limited, a listed company in Hong Kong. We are one of the largest investor-owned power businesses in Asia. As a vertically integrated power utility, we cover:
Power generation;
Power transmission and distribution; and
Customer service.
Our success is built on strong business principles and ethics. These define our vision, mission and values. We are committed to sustainable development that meets the needs of current and future generations. Find out more about our Value Framework.
Our energy vision encompasses closer energy integration with the Mainland, moving to cleaner fuels, and encouraging greater energy efficiency. For the future of Hong Kong, we believe securing CLP’s energy vision is an important step on the road to a more sustainable energy future.
To be the leading responsible energy provider in the Asia-Pacific region, from one generation to the next.
In a changing world, our mission is to produce and supply energy with minimal environmental impact to create value for shareholders, customers, employees and the wider community.
Providing safe, reliable and environmentally-responsible electricity at a reasonable rate.
For over 120 years, CLP Power has grown with the Hong Kong community. We serve over 6 million people in Kowloon, New Territories and most of the outlying islands. We are part of Hong Kong’s culture and fabric, with the commitment to powering the continued development of Hong Kong and serving the community with power expertise and service excellence.
Despite the challenges posed by energy crisis, technology disruptions and climate change, we are committed to providing a reliable electricity supply to support Hong Kong as an international financial, business and innovation centre.
The cornerstone of this lies in the Scheme of Control Agreement, which provides a clear framework for us to engage in long-term planning and investment for the energy infrastructure, ensuring that we deliver world-class reliability at a reasonable cost and supporting the HKSAR government in achieving carbon neutrality before 2050.
We will continue to diversify our energy portfolio and explore opportunities for regional collaboration to bring in zero-carbon energy to achieve our decarbonisation goal. We are also accelerating our efforts to digitalise our operations and decarbonise the demand side by empowering our customers to enhance energy efficiency and adopt low-carbon living through electrification.
With a deep sense of responsibility, we build a trusted partnership with the community and care for our people, customers and those in need. We will continue to collaborate with the Government and different sectors to build a greener and brighter tomorrow for Hong Kong.
Joseph Law
Managing Director, CLP Power Hong Kong
Founded in 1901
We started when electricity was still a novelty worldwide.
Serving >80% of Hong Kong’s population
Today, we serve about 2.81 million customer accounts in our supply areas.
World-class reliability rate over 99.999%
For more than 100 years, we have powered Hong Kong’s development reliably and responsibly.
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