Retro-commissioning (RCx) is a cost-effective way to optimise a building’s operational performance without having to replace existing equipment. It is a relatively low-cost investment with shorter payback periods. Retrofitting is a common way to enhance energy efficiency through replacing inefficient equipment and redesigning systems based on the latest operating requirements.
The CLP Retro-Commissioning (RCx) and Retrofitting Charter Programme provides comprehensive and full coverage training on energy saving and related areas. Designed for energy management teams, it aims to equip them with RCx and retrofitting knowledge to upgrade team skills and help businesses achieve low-carbon transformation in a smarter and more efficient manner.
Features of the Training Course:
Two days of in-depth theoretical and practical training with on-site evaluation
Comprehensive coverage of technical skills and knowledge, including data analysis, system diagnosis, measurement and verification
Qualification as ‘RCx Professional’ or ‘RCx Practitioner (Level 2)’ for participants who successfully complete the training course and pass the assessment
Reduce Consumption & Costs
By implementing RCx and retrofitting measures, you can identify hidden opportunities to save energy and costs in buildings. Eligible projects will be subsidised by the Eco Building Fundto help shorten the investment payback period even further.
Equip Teams with RCx and Retrofitting Expertise
A tailored RCx training course with our full sponsorship will be offered to a maximum of three energy management staff nominated from your organisation.
Contribution to Sustainability Goals
Your organisation can take proactive steps to achieve sustainability goals and fulfil its social responsibilities by reducing carbon emissions, thereby contributing to a sustainable future for Hong Kong.
Existing Participating Organisations may apply if
You are the owner, tenant, property management company or other representative of the participating property’s owner;
The participating property has the potential for energy saving through RCx and retrofitting;
The participating property conducted an energy audit within three years prior to the date of submission; and
You can provide the energy consumption profile of the participating property for the past 1 year, recorded at 1-hour intervals.
How to apply
To apply for the CLP Retro-Commissioning (RCx) and Retrofitting Charter Programme, you may submit your completed Application Form (PDF) to the your Account Manager or [email protected].
What happens next
The programme will run from now until 31 December 2025 and will consist of the following phases:
Participation and Pledge
We encourage your organisation to participate in the programme and meet significant energy saving targets by actively adopting green practices in your operations.
Skillset Enrichment
We provide a two-day professional training course for your team to enhance their knowledge and skills.
Implementation of Learnings
After completing the training course, you can apply to the CLP Eco Building Fund to support the implementation of energy saving projects, so your business can achieve its energy saving targets.
More information
You may email to [email protected] for enquiry. If you are a Bulk Tariff or Large Power Tariff customer, you may contact us through your account manager.
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