Set up an online account

How to register your CLP online account and bind it with your mobile number, email or social media.

Benefits of setting up an online account

With an online account, you can access exclusive content and services. You can use the CLP Power Mobile App or log in to our website to manage your electricity account easily.  

How to set up an online account

Step 1
Click Log in on your CLP Power Mobile App or website. Select mobile, email, or other sign-in options (Facebook, Apple ID or iAM Smart).

Step 2
If you have selected mobile or email, enter the One-time password (OTP) sent to you.

Step 3
To bind your account, follow the on-screen instructions and input your account information (including: CLP account number or HKID number and registered customer name).

More information

You may bind your online account to your mobile number, email, or third-Party login credentials (including Apple ID, Facebook and iAM Smart).

Once you bind your account, you do not need to bind your account again. You also do not need to use your password to log in. If you do not wish to bind your account, you may also use your login ID and password to log in directly.


Please note that each mobile number can only bind to one CLP online account. If you have more than one electricity account, we suggest you to bind your second CLP account with another method, or another mobile number instead.

Commonly asked questions

If you encounter problems when you enter your...

Hong Kong ID (HKID)

  • Ensure that you have included all the letters and numbers, but not the brackets (e.g. A1234567).
  • Submit a copy of your HKID to us if your HKID has not been verified by CLP.

CLP account number

Ensure that you have entered the numbers only without any hyphens (-) in between. 


Ensure that you have entered the same name as your electricity account’s registered customer name. 

If you need help, please submit an eForm. Select "CLP App, Online Service and eBill" on the eForm. Or, you may call our customer service hotline.

Please note that only third-party authentication (including Facebook, WeChat , iAM Smart and Apple ID account) can be unbinded on your own by following the steps below.

1. Log in to your online account through the CLP Power Mobile App or website 

2. Click "Profile".

3. Click "Personal Information".

4. Click "Unbind my account" to unbind any selected channels.

If you encounter errors when you log in, please refer to our guide on logging in to your online account. For more information, please refer to our CLP Power Mobile App page.

You may submit an eForm or call our customer service hotline if you have any questions. If you use our eForm, please select “CLP App, Online Service and eBill".

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